Moving to the Island?
Are you thinking about moving to Jersey, but want to know more about what’s available to you on our Island? Perhaps you need to know more about the fantastic schools we have over here? The excellent restaurants and shops, what your social life might be like and of course what kind of properties you would be interested in.
Whether you are looking at rentals, or sales give us a call today and we will happily introduce you to Life on Jersey.
Residential Status Information
Residential Status is broken down as per the below.
Buying or leasing property in Jersey is a process governed by a strict set of laws.
Under the Control of the ‘Housing and Work Law’ there are four new categories which determine where you can work and live. The current qualifying period for obtaining housing qualifications is 10 years. All existing ‘A-H’, ‘A-J’ and ‘A-K’, also known as ‘freehold, flying freehold or share transfer’ properties are now ‘qualified’. In general all other property is ‘registered’ which is also known as ‘unqualified’.
In general regulations are broken down into the following categories:
Entitled: previously A-H Category
Licensed: previously J Category
Entitled to work: previously Non-Qualified
Registered: previously Non-Qualified
Applying for a registration card
To get a registration card, go to the Social Security Department in La Motte Street, St Helier.
You’ll need to bring:
- Proof of identity
- In some cases, other documents including bills and more.
- Please press the button below to visit the offical Jersey government page detailing everything you need.
If you can’t visit the Social Security Department, call us to explain your situation.
What if I recently moved here but don’t have a registration card?
If you’ve recently moved here, you only need to register with the Social Security Department.
Visit this page for more information
Cost of registration
A registration card is free if you’re ‘entitled’ or ‘entitled for work’. If you don’t know whether your entitled or not visit the page below..
If you are ‘licensed’ or ‘registered’ your card will cost:
- £75 if you are new to Jersey
- £35 if you have lived in Jersey before and were registered with the Social Security Department before 1 July 2013
You can pay in cash or by card.
For more information on what your status press the button below: